Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are the foundation of an organization like the Tinicum Conservancy. We could not thrive (or even exist!) without our dedicated volunteers. If you’re enthusiastic about protecting our natural resources, join the Tinicum Conservancy volunteer team.
There are many ways to get involved:
Office Volunteer. If you have a few hours a month (or more) to come to our office in Tinicum Park, we always need help with mailings, research, data entry, and event planning. Contact Maria Fell at MFell@tinicumconservancy.org
Field Volunteer. If you prefer to volunteer outdoors, sign up for a stewardship project, like stream restoration or invasive plant removal, or train to become a member of our annual property monitoring team. Contact Maria Fell at MFell@tinicumconservancy.org
Road Cleanup. Join the Road Cleanup Team, which meets seasonally to keep our adopted stretch of River Road trash-free. Contact Graham Place at riverroadcleanup@tinicumconservancy.org
Spread the Word. There are many ways to help out with the Conservancy’s communications, including writing for our newsletter, creating web content and eblasts, and managing social media accounts. If you have technical, design, or writing talents to contribute, we’d love to hear from you. Contact Patty Leonhardt at pattyleonhardt5@gmail.com